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Students sitting at desks facing chalk board in a classroom in Malawi

Tetra Tech delivers sustainable education solutions to communities, governments, and organizations around the world to strengthen education systems and infrastructure, supporting countries to reduce poverty and improve economic growth.

Our experts work with local partners to strengthen and build capacity to empower communities and create lasting social and economic change, particularly for women and girls. We contribute to education system improvements through new, diversified approaches, including private sector partnerships, incentive grant funding, civil society strengthening, and non-governmental organization support.

Young children lean over desks in a classroom

Basic and Early Childhood Education Improvement

Tetra Tech designs and manages large basic (primary) education programs in the Asia Pacific region. Our experts focus on access and quality improvement, specializing in improving early literacy and numeracy in disadvantaged or remote regions. Tetra Tech-supported programs develop the full range of capabilities required for improving access and learning in curriculum reform, teacher development, school-based community management, school infrastructure, distribution of teaching resources, public finance management systems, human resources, and education governance.

Enumerator evaluates child education using a tablet in Jordan

Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation

Tetra Tech has more than 100 in-house research, monitoring, and evaluation specialists worldwide, with expertise in program evaluation, psychometric and econometric analysis, and social and behavioral research. We provide our clients with experimental and impact evaluations, longitudinal studies, meta-evaluations and evaluation management, geographic information systems (GIS) mapping, and database management.

Students in classroom in Zambia

Governance and Education Management

Tetra Tech’s experience includes support for improved governance and education management. Our experts have successfully navigated the national and sub-national governance dynamics of major partner countries. We have knowledge of efficient and responsive policy making, central and localized planning and resourcing, and levers and incentives for releasing local capacity, with a focus on creative solutions and scalability.

To do this, Tetra Tech contextualizes research methodologies for better program design and develops toolkits for scaling up design from successful pilots. Our approach to governance includes designing methods to identify root problems and leverage influences in the problem context. Our education teams specialize in research-based approaches to target education governance challenges and opportunities.

Four students sitting on grass on a campus

Scholarships and Human Resource Development

Tetra Tech is the lead implementing partner for the Australian Government, which supports future generations of global leaders to drive development in their countries. We are responsible for programs in Cambodia, Fiji, Indonesia, Laos, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Vanuatu, and Vietnam. We add value to scholarships by integrating short course training with capacity building for public and private sector initiatives and deliver customized, short-term training to build capacity in a dynamic and changing political and economic context.

Learn more about the education services provided by our teams in Asia Pacific and at MSI, A Tetra Tech Company.

Connect with us. Reach out to our international development experts.

Our featured education highlights

Students sit at their desks in a new SEED Urban classroom at the newly expanded Kawale school

Expanding Access to Secondary Education and Improving Youth Livelihoods in Malawi

A woman wearing headphones sits at a desk with her back to the camera, working on a dual screen computer

Delivering Inclusive Education and Building Local Teaching Capabilities in Lao PDR

A person walking with a bucket through a latrine block, infrastructure that Tetra Tech aims to make more sustainable

Building Evidence and Partnerships to Strengthen WASH Programming

Three Indonesian fishermen cast a net while fishing offshore

Leveraging Science and Technology in Fisheries Management in Indonesia

Be part of our work in education

Our people around the world are supporting our mission and vision to design and deliver sustainable and impactful development solutions. Work with us at Tetra Tech!